The Ever-Evolving World of Edibles
You’d Better Clear Your Plate
Long before the coming of the modern industry we know today, cannabis afficionados have been asking the tough questions: what if I could eat my weed instead of smoke it? Preferably in a way that doesn’t make me sick.
Gone, however, are the days of brownies sold in hallways by the enterprising business students living on our nation’s fine post-secondary campuses. Not that people don’t make homemade brownies anymore, but they’re not exactly market leaders in the growing field of edible cannabis products.
Today, the sheer variety of edibles available not only from dispensaries, but even from your buddy down the street would be enough to blow the mind of anyone who smoked before legalization. No one measured dosages in micrograms, if they even knew what dosage they were selling. There were no choices to speak of: no extracts, infusions, or distillates. All in all, the modern world of edibles can be a little daunting!
What Changed?
Since the federal legalization of cannabis in Canada, edible products have really come into the fore as a force to be reckoned with. Some Canadians expressed that they were hesitant to smoke, even after doing so was legal, but many of those people were quite willing to try edible products. Some cited health concerns regarding smoke, while others expressed that they never enjoyed the taste or smell of marijuana when they’d smoked it in the past. With edibles, though, all those worries are things of the past! Edibles can be whatever flavour you imagine, and no matter how many you eat they won’t mess with your lungs.
One related factor that might have contributed to the swift growth of the edibles industry could be the increase in usage of THC distillate. Prior to legalization, this was not the sort of stuff that would be simple for your average joe to get a hold of. Nowadays, it’s typically found on a shelf! Widespread availability of distillate and other THC extracts and by-products has allowed for more frequent experimentation, which in turn has produced some delicious results.
THC distillates are simple to infuse in liquids, gummies, hard candies, and even Mac ‘n’ Cheese. High-end chefs have been experimenting with the likes of THC glazes for steaks, and the first edible restaurant was opened in 2019 (in the States). Edible products have swiftly evolved from the preference of those who would rather not smoke to a burgeoning field of cuisine in a very short time.
The move to distillate from more traditional edible recipes, which typically relied on baking THC or cannabinoids into oils or butter, has also helped to mask the taste of cannabis that many find unappetizing. Even if you don’t much like the taste or smell of cannabis, the modern world of edibles has lots to offer! If you’re a chocoholic, there are lots of premium chocolate bars chalk full of marijuana on the market. If you’re a gummy guy, then you’ve got access to every fruit flavour there is! Never mind a few that don’t exist in nature, but are still delicious in their own right.

Why Should I Care?
As the Canadian cannabis industry continues to evolve, it’s looking more like edibles will be a key deciding factor in which companies come out on top. New edibles can be exciting, as they open up new opportunities to market cannabis products to consumers who enjoy the act of eating food, as well as those who might be wary of the health effects of smoking regularly. Evidently, polling would suggest that the majority of people like to eat. Plus, who wouldn’t want to try a THC-infused fruit smoothie?
Never mind a smoothie, I don’t know too many people who would turn their nose up at a cannabis-infused pint of beer. Edible (or drinkable, in this case) cannabis products have potential for cross-marketing with companies who want to take advantage of the growing industry. Molson Coors and Steam Whistle have both expressed an interest in pursuing the creation of a cannabis-infused product within the past two years, and whoever is the first to make that happen stands to make a pretty penny.
Really, I’m just saying that if Taco Bell announced tomorrow that they were releasing a THC-infused gordita wrapped in a Doritos shell, that I’d be first in line to get it. Given the way things are going with edibles, I hope that someone over there can help make my dream a reality.
How Can I Get Into Edibles?
Well, unless you’re in Quebec or a state that hasn’t yet legalized cannabis, it’s fairly easy! In Ontario, licensed dispensaries are permitted to carry and sell a wide variety of edible cannabis products. They’re fairly limited in terms of dosage, so if you’re looking for something a little more potent, you might have to brave the grey market of cannabis. If you’ve never tried an edible before, however, it would probably be best to start with legal ones.
As much as I typically like to avoid comparisons to alcohol, comparing edibles to drinking is a bit more apt than a comparison to smoking flower. When it comes to edible cannabis products, dosage control really goes a long way. If we consider smoking flower comparable to drinking a beer, then eating edibles is more like drinking liquor. You can still do it responsibly, but it’s a bit more difficult. A tiny piece of even a small edible can go a long way, and leave you feeling down for hours. No one wants that, much like most people don’t drink to get blackout.
Some do, of course, and there are lots of options for those people, too. Such is the beauty of the modern market! If the stores around you don’t have access to the products you prefer, there are at least a dozen more that do within walkable distance. There are so many options when it comes to cannabis right now, if you’re willing to look for it. Even smaller weed delivery services will typically have access to multiple lines of edible products to compliment their more traditional offerings.
If all this talk has left you craving edibles, or feeling just a bit experimental, take a look at a few of the edible options available from Farmer’s Link. You won’t be disappointed!

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